12 steps to a sustainable uniform

Ocado Uniform

For forty years Jermyn Street Design (jSD) has helped clients to lead innovation in the design of their uniforms, not least in the critical contribution that clothes can make to sustainability. Here, jSD Founder Susanne Malim outlines 12 simple steps to enable any business to eliminate the operational, cost and other obstacles to sustainability throughout the lifecycle of clothes at work.

Designing with natural resources at front of mind is nothing new for jSD, as the company was instrumental in developing the first all-natural uniform for the Body Shop in 1994. Now jSD is continuing and expanding this work as part of a Green Thread Range of customizable and sustainably sourced workwear. The sole aim of this is to enable any brand to migrate its employees to a sustainable uniform without disruption or waste in a managed, step-by-step transition, which any employer can adopt. Click here to read more in Talk Retail Magazine.

B E S P O K E U N I F O R M S . C U S T O M U N I F O R M S . S U S T A I N A B L E U N I F O R M S . E T H I C A L U N I F O R M S .