Build trust + protect

man wearing mask

The right mask can build brand trust, help protect business and promote the safety and well-being of your staff, customers and the community at large. Don’t let the wrong mask be a business barrier. Talk to Jermyn Street Design [jSD] about our custom masks and snoods designed for the specific needs of customer-facing staff in the service industries. To find out more click here

“We are committed to using our design skills, knowledge and resources to help more brands safeguard their staff, customers and the service sector economy.” jSD MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHARLOTTE MCHARDY

JSD Billboard - Build trust + protect

B E S P O K E U N I F O R M S . C U S T O M U N I F O R M S . S U S T A I N A B L E U N I F O R M S . E T H I C A L U N I F O R M S .