Size Matters

tailor with a measuring tape

” A functional uniform is now not only a matter of appearance, comfort and productivity but more than ever, safety too” 

Self-sizing smartphone apps and motion capture technology have revolutionised uniform manufacturing technology.

Trying on a garment ultimately remains the best way for the individual wearer to size themselves accurately. But even this method, which isn’t always possible, has its pitfalls, especially when it comes to uniforms.

We all have a number in mind when it comes to our perfect or usual size and shape, whatever the mirror and feel of a garment’s actual fit might be trying to tell us. “The single biggest pitfall,” says jSD Client Services Director Lucy Smith, “is wearers ordering sizes that are simply way too small.” Being measured individually by someone else as part of a professional fitting exercise, on the other hand, is a costly Saville Row experience hardly feasible most of the time, or even necessarily a solution to the errors of our human subjectivity.

To read rest of this interesting article in Care Homes Management Magazine , click here

B E S P O K E U N I F O R M S . C U S T O M U N I F O R M S . S U S T A I N A B L E U N I F O R M S . E T H I C A L U N I F O R M S .